About Bermuda Entertainment Union
Established: 1968 under the name, ‘The Bermuda Federation of Musicians & Variety Artists’.
Membership Includes: Musicians, singers, dancers, promoters and event planners, audio & visual technicians, comedians, DJ’s, magicians, actors, artist management and the like.
Name Change: 2013 to ‘Bermuda Entertainment Union’.
Mission: “To promote, protect, prepare, and preserve entertainers, promoters, technicians and support staff as well as those who are legally authorized to visit and execute such duties in Bermuda.”
Mailing Address: 48 Par-la-Ville Road, Suite 121. Hamilton, Bermuda HM 11
Website: www.BermudaEntertainmentUnion.com
Email: info@BermudaEntertainmentUnion.com
Phone: 441-338-8029

Executive Board Members

Bro. Leroy Simmons, B.A., M.Ed. – President
To be successful in the entertainment industry, you must know best practices, prepare for next practices, and consistently practice and share what you know. Accordingly, my life’s purpose has evolved into helping all I can who are sincere about developing their talents and progressing their careers.

Sis. Selena Fields, HIA, ACS – Vice President
I joined the then BFMVA back in the 90’s to support Bermudian Entertainment. I served as the General Secretary and was a part of the evolution team of Executives, under the Guidance of Stuart Hayward and Shine Hayward, who helped to shape the BEU as it is known today.
As Vice President, I am pleased to see the growth of our Bermuda Entertainment Union and look forward to us going and growing from Strength to Strength!
United We Stand! Divided we fall. Peace & Blessings in Solidarity, Brothers and Sisters!!

Sis. Olive Furbert, A.A. – Treasurer
Being a self-acclaimed singer and choir director for many years, I was encouraged by fellow union members to join BFMVA, now known as, BEU. Having two daughters of my own who are involved in music and theatre, I became more conscious of our rights being protected, and the benefits being made available to us being Union members. In my second year of membership I was elected as the treasurer of the union, and have held this post for almost 7 years now. Being a Union member, has its privileges.

Sis. Marcia Stowe – Administrative Secretary

Bro. Wendell ‘Shine’ Hayward, B.A., M.Ed. – Ex-Officio Member
Ask not what this union can do for you, but what you can do for the union. Join and assist in ensuring that the best is done for all. Criticize less, Contribute more. The future is Bright when we Unite.

Member at Large

Bro. Leslie Stowe

Bro. Prince Albert Jackson
I believe in the concept and ideals of a union- my parents did, as did my grandparents. Unity is Strength! Individually we are weak, collectively we are strong. The BEU provides local entertainment professionals with a powerful, collective voice to communicate their dissatisfaction and frustration to the powers that be in Bermuda.

Sis. Nishanthi Bailey, B.A.
“Spoken by Booker T. Washington, “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else”…and if we do this together, we build our collective strength.”
The effectiveness of the union lies within the members it represents. It’s an avenue to unite our talents in an effort to advocate for and support our rightful interests for the betterment of the arts culture and climate in the community.

Sis. Toni Robinson
The Bermuda Entertainment Union is important in that it serves to protect the interests of the Bermudian artist; to educate and promote local talent and provide the tools for every artist to do what they do with excellence.”

Bro. Darryl Simons
Trustee Board:
Sis. Sandy Butterfield
Bro. Kenneth Bean
Sis. Patricia Nesbitt
Former Presidents:
Bro. Wendell ‘Shine’ Hayward,
Bro. Myles Manders
Bro. Lloyd Simmons
Bro. Hubert Smith
Bro. Ghandi Burgess.